Thomas lists the books he has read and the audiobooks he has listened to here. He uses this page to refresh his own memories. For you, this might be an interesting and inspiring reservoir! Enjoy browsing through Tom’s ‘Bookshelf’! The list is occasionally updated.
- 紫式部 「源氏物語」(japanese)
- 村上 春樹「世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド」(japanese)
- 村上 春樹「色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼の巡礼の年」(japanese)
- Bernhard Aichner “Totenfrau” (german)
- Bernhard Aichner “Totenrausch” (german)
- Harlan Cohen “Suche mich nicht” (german)
- Craig Russell “Wo der Teufel ruht” (german)
- Craig Russell “Blutadler” (german)
- Craig Russell “Wolfsfährte” (german)
- Gero von Boehm “Unterwegs in der Weltgeschichte mit Hape Kerkeling” (german)
- Haruki Murakami “Die Chroniken des Aufziehvogels” (german)
- Haruki Murakami “Die Pilgerjahre des farblosen Herrn Tazaki” (german)
- Oscar Wilde “Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray” (german)
Academic Literature
- Joseph Lam “Music in Traditional Chinese Culture”